How To Know Types Of Database

Do You Ever Think what is a database? 

A database is an organized collection of information, organized in a way that makes it easy to find and manage. Database is used to store and access information. Now all the Aadhar cards are being made in India, I mean almost crores of Aadhar cards have been made. 

Information about all these is also available on the Internet. In Banks and Online Reservation (Train, Flight, Hotel), a lot of data keeps changing every day. Transactions in banks are done through computers and mobiles. There is also data there but transactions also happen for millions of people.

Sometimes you might be wondering where all this data and information resides. Is there any such place on the Internet? Or does a man write while sitting? The answer to all these is Database. Also know that without database, Internet is nothing. So let us know today what is a database.

What exactly is a Database ?

A database is a collection of organized data that a computer can easily find and manage. You can think of it like a digital warehouse which is used to store and retrieve all types of information. In simple language, a database is a group of many data. 

As the name suggests (Database = Data + Base), you can also understand it as a repository of data. These data are stored in a systematic manner in the database. So that they can be easily accessed when needed.

Database (DB), it is a storehouse of information, where related information is collected and kept. Information is kept organized in the database. Organized means keeping it in order, just as you keep books arranged on a table, similarly information and data are kept in a database. 

To store information, some software is used. The best example is MS-Excel. Here all the data is kept in digital memory devices like hard disk.

Information is kept in the database in such a way that you can easily access and manipulate the data. Let us understand with an example “An MS-Excel Sheet where you have details of 100 students. Details like Roll NO, Name, Address, City Name, Father's Name, Date of Birth. Here we and you can say that this Excel Sheet is a database.

DB means you can access whatever information and data you want whenever you want. Now let us understand what Access means. There is a university, where there are many students, about 5000 of them have finished their exams.

Now their results are uploaded to the database through computer, it can also be the official website of the university. So it is uploaded there also. Now it has become the database of Students Result. When the date of declaration of result comes then this result is published. 

Only then students enter their roll number and start checking the result. This process is called accessing the database. There are many such databases like Google's, Company's, Government's database, where they store their information.

Database Management System

It is a software system, through which a user creates, defines, maintains and controls the database. DBMS is a collection of programs generally used to maintain the Database (DB). 

Now let us understand the meaning of Maintain “In this you can do all this like Inserting, Edit, Delete, Access and Update data in DB.

You already know what Database Management System DBMS is. Let us understand again, DBMS is a software package. You can create a database through this software. Like you created a database named Student, now you have to add the details of students in it.

If you give wrong data knowingly or unknowingly, then you will have to edit student details. After a few days, if you find out that someone's data is wrong, you will have to delete it. If you want to search the name and address of a student from his/her roll number, then this is called Access.

Now you must have understood what DBMS does. Take the same example, you can apply it in a company also, the same thing happens there too.

Examples of databases

Although there are many DBMS software, some of them are

1. Database

Among all the DBMS, Dbase was created first. It was used in microcomputers. This software was the most successful DBMS at its time.


Along with a text-based procedurally oriented programming language, it also has a Database Management System. It is an Object Oriented Programming Language. It was published for the first time by Fox Software.


The hierarchical model is followed to store data in IMS Database. Which is quite different from DB2 and Relational Model. Generally this DBMS is used for information management.


Oracle is also called Oracle RDBMS. It is an object-relational database management system. It is used a lot in today's time. The name of this software company is Oracle Corporation. Larry Ellison and his two friends were the co-founders of this corporation.


It is an object-relational database management system. It was named after the daughter of its co-founder Michael Widenius and SQL stands for Structured Query Language. The name of this DBMS Software Company is mySQL AB which was formed in 1995. Now its owner is Oracle Corporation.

Types of database models

This data model tells you how the data is logically stored, organized and manipulated in the database and what the logical structure of the database should be. Let me understand you with an example, you were asked to bring your family details in writing.  

You can write something like this or you can also write a table. Secondly, you can write without making a table and thirdly, you can write the name of mummy and father, below that the names of the children and below them the names of their children.

These three methods are each a Data Model. Similarly, these three models are used in database design.

1. Hierarchical Model
The structure of this model looks like a tree structure. In this model, tree structure is followed to add records to the database. Tree consists of nodes and branches. It means that just like a tree has friends, it also has friends. This tree itself represents the logical structure of the database. Below is a structure of this model.

2. Network Model
Network Model is quite powerful but also complicated. Because in this all the nodes/tables remain linked to each other. This model can be represented in graph structure. You can see below how Department, Student, Course and Professor are linked to each other.

3. Relational Model
This model is very powerful and simple. It is very flexible and natural. The structure of this data model would be like a table. Table is called Relation in the language of database. That is why its name is also Relational Model. It is like a table, so it has rows and columns.

In Relational Model, Rows are called Records and Columns are called Fields. The proposal of this model is E. Gave him F code when he was in IBM. In this model the unique field is called key. And the tables are connected to each other through these keys. Roll no is the primary key in a Student Table.


It is my endeavor that you get the complete information about what is Database in Hindi in my single article. Today you have learned what is Database System and Database Model in Hindi. To explain it better, I have tried to explain it to you by taking some examples.

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